LGBTQIA+ Resources in Katy & Beyond

Transparent Closet is a free clothing boutique for youth, teens, and young adults who are transitioning or gender exploring. Today, the closet offers clothing, shoes, jewelry, binders, and more. Everything in the closet is free and offers a place for youth and young adults to shop and try on clothes that is safe.

First Christian Church Katy is an open and affirming congregation. They invite all people into community and ministry, regardless of age, race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, economic status, faith, or personal ability. As the only intentionally inclusive church in Katy, Texas, they house a comprehensive resources page on their website that you should absolutely check out.

LGBTQIA+ Resources Globally

ILGA is the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association. Since 1978, ILGA have been committed to equal human rights for rainbow communities and their liberation from all forms of discrimination.

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex people, and all of those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.

“SOGI” stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities. The site is dedicated to all who want to make a change in the world towards more acceptance and equality for people who don’t fit the traditional patterns. These are of course Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender people, but also all who don’t fit into mainstream representations of what “makes” a man or a woman: Queers, Intersex people, people labeled by their own cultural codes: Indian “Hijras”, Thai “Katoeys”, etc.-, and “straight” people who feel oppressed by rigid gender representations.

Workplace Pride is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people in workplaces worldwide. We strive for a world of inclusive workplaces where LGBTIQ+ people can truly be themselves, are valued, and, through their contributions, help to lead the way for others.

LGBTI Pathways will transform the quality and quantity of resources to LGBTI people around the world. This multi-year global project will identify and catalyze opportunities to increase and improve funding for LGBTI communities worldwide.

Asia Pacific Transgender Network. To enable trans and gender diverse people in the Asia Pacific region to organise and advocate across many areas that affect our lives. These include legal gender recognition, health, societal attitudes, stigma and violence, and our right to freedom of movement, education and social protection.

OutLeadership helps businesses create a better world. A world in which all people can live authentically and openly without fear, love who they love, create the families they want, and achieve their full potential.

GATE is a global trans-led advocacy organization dedicated to advancing gender equality for all.